Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Number 3 during christmas

Changes made by Ólöf Oddgeirsdóttir.

Number 3 has been our guest here over christmas and now that the darkest days of winter are behind it is time for it to move on to another artist. This time though it will not be traveling far since Hildur lives only a couple of blocks away.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Number 3

Number 3.
Changed by Guðbjörg Lind Jónsdóttir ( Iceland )

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Number 3, changed by Kristin Geirsdottir

Painting number 3 has now already been for days and nights in Kopavogur at Kristin Geirsdottir’s studio.
Now it is time to go on back to Reykjavik after a very good rest to another painter.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Number 3 after the change in Hlif Asgrimsdottir art studio beside of her work of plastic in the nature.

The change of number 3 made by Hlif Asgrimsdottir.
Painting Number 3 has been for a while here in Reykjavík in the Plastic World. Number 3 was hanging out on the top of the tree in Plastic Garden in Reykjavik and it was also visiting one of my photographs of Plastic world in my studio. Thanks Number 3 for the great time we had together in september 2009. Yours Hlif Asgrimsdottir

Monday, August 24, 2009

Number 3 travels on

Painting number 3 had a great time in Amsterdam. Tomorrow it will travel on to Iceland.

Painting number 3 changed by Jan Voss

Posted by Nico Lootsma, Amsterdam

Painting number 3 visiting Boekie Woekie

Painting number 3 was visiting Boekie Woekie (artist books) in Amsterdam yesterday. Jan Voss (one of the owners of the bookstore) asked if he could also make some changes to the painting. In the next post you will see what he changed.

Painting number 3 in Trashtown

Posted by Nico Lootsma, Amsterdam

Monday, August 17, 2009

Number 3 after the change

Posted by Nico Lootsma

Number 3 finally in Amsterdam

Alessandro sent it to me earlier but then it was lost in postal service limbo and sent back to him. Now number 3 is finally with me in Amsterdam. Nico Lootsma.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Number 2

posted by shayma aziz, cairo

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Number 5

Number 5 went to Stan Squirewell in Washington DC.

Number 3 in Rome with Alessandro Gorla

Number 3 after his visit in Rome with Alessandro Gorla.

Number 3 in Rome with Alessandro Gorla

Here are some photos of number 3 hanging out in Rome, admiring Andy, eating some mozzerella, just chillin' on a chair, getting some wine, and enjoying a nice coffee and paper type of morning.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Number 4

Number 4 went to Naoya Taji, Kanazawa, Japan.

Number 3

Number 3 went to Alessandro Gorla, Rome, Italy.

Number 2

Number 2 went to Shayma Aziz, Cairo, Egypt.

Number 1

I have sent the first four.
Number 1 went to Shaun O'Dell, San Francisco, California, US.